Helping today Helping tommorow
Helping today Helping tommorow
Better Vision for Children is a 501C3 Charity Organization.
Location: VOCO Laguna Hills Hotel In Laguna Hills CA Orange County
Date: March 2nd, 2025
Entry Requirement:
Minimum donation: $250.00
Thank You to the Los Angeles Clippers for supporting a brighter future for children with BVC Foundation.
“I love what Eric Zuley and his father Jim Zuley is doing to help these kids have a better vision for their future and to provide eye testing, and screening, it’s obvious they really care about these kids and their mission to helping children have a better vision for their future .”
Bill Duke
I’m proud to be a celebrity ambassador for Better Vision For Children and what it stands for. I have been friends with the Zuley’s for over 15 years now and support anything they do. Its truly amazing how big of a heart Dr. Eric Zuley, James Zuley and Dr. Dante Sears have for these kids and I support Better Vision For Children and the people that stand behind it.
I’m proud to be the Chief Marketing Officer for this non-profit and help these kids. Now I know what God has given me these gifts for. I’m proud to support my father James Zuley and do everything in my power to help give children a better vision for their future.
Better Vision for Children Foundation is a 501C3 Organization located in Mission Viejo, California. It’s mission is to improve the visual eyesight and vision mindset of children all over the world.
The eye is the vantage point for observing life, measuring goals, and creating memories. In fact, eye vision has much more to do with just seeing, having clear eye vision is also related to seeing a bright future for yourself. That’s why our motto is: “When Your Vision is Bright, Your Goals are in Sight”.
To help us, You can donate to our cause on the yellow donation bar at the top of this page or purchase on of our vision kits for yourself or a loved one, which allows us to provide a Free Better Vision Kit to a child in need. You can also sign up as a volunteer on our volunteer page.